Engr. Jesus F. Zamora Jr. is a proud graduate of BS Agricultural Engineering from the Visayas State University (formerly Visayas State College of Agriculture) and ranked 5th place during the Agricultural Engineering Board Examination.
He earned his Master’s Degree in Environmental Studies at the University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna with expertise in Solid Waste Management and Cleaner Production Assessment.
In 1989, he joined the Department of Science and Technology as Science Research Specialist I. In just 2 years, because of his evident work output and commitment, he was endorsed as Provincial Director of the Bohol Provincial Science and Technology Center in 1991 and established its initial operation. He was later assigned to Cebu Province as Provincial S&T Director in 1995.
He thinks divergently to achieve the best outcomes and ensures that MSMEs, partners, stakeholders, and communities receive appropriate and sustainable services. His profound passion for his profession earned him the position of Executive Manager for Technical Support Services in the year 2000. More than his role as Executive Manager, he is very effective in making decisions, meeting targets, and in advising what is best for clients.
He specializes in technology transfer, project management and proposal, and risk management. His ability to manage people, identify projects, and develop linkages with industry associations and Local Government Units led him to so many significant breakthroughs. He is presently the Regional Director of the Department of Science and Technology Region 7.
Engr. Zamora is passionate about leading technological innovations and is deeply committed to the DOST’s mantra of bringing science closer to the people. Serving the agency for over 34 years, he has become a seasoned leader and a true advocate of science and technology.

Dr. Melvin Carlos is a Career Executive Service Officer with the Department of Science and Technology Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resource Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD) where he serves as Deputy Executive Director. His educational background includes a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics and Master of Science in Resource Economics from the University of the Philippines Los Banos; and a Doctor of Philosophy in Economic Geography from Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada.
His areas of expertise are in research, development, innovation management, extension, technology transfer, rural development administration, and human capital development. His professional contributions are evident in his research and academic work, institutional engagements, and policy advocacies. Among his numerous publications, his most cited works are on Rapid Appraisals of Fisheries Management Systems and Community-Based Coastal Resource Management.
Dr. Carlos is actively engaged in various local and international professional organizations. He is the current President of the Philippine Association of Research Managers Inc. (PHILARM), the immediate past President of the Philippine Agriculture and Economic Development Association (PAEDA) and the former National Vice President of the Philippine Association of Agriculturists (PAA). Additionally, he is a member of the Philippine Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology, the Philippine Extension and Rural Advisory Services Network (PhilEASNet), the Asia Pacific Rural Advisory Services (APIRAS), the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS), and the American and Asian Fisheries Societies.
He acquired his managerial and executive credentials through his extensive work here and abroad. He has been a consultant to numerous government and private agencies like the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), International Development and Research Center (IDRC), Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP). He also worked at the Southeast Asian Center for Graduate Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), World Fish Centre and served as Census Commissioner at Statistics Canada.
Dr. Carlos’ academic experience spans 2 countries and 3 universities over 20 years. At the University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB), he taught graduate and undergraduate courses in production economics, marketing, agricultural policy, farm management, resource economics and project analysis. From 1995-2007 he lectured courses in world resources, economic geography, community economic development, geography of development, human geography and the geography of manufacturing at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and Simon Fraser University (SFU) in British Columbia, Canada.
He further honed his expertise through post graduate studies and immersion programs including the Science and Technology Entrepreneurship- Executive Education Program at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) and the Leaders in Innovation Fellowship from the University of Oxford in the U.K.; and the Senior Executive Public Management Development Program of the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP)- which he completed With Honors and received the Outstanding Capstone Policy Paper Award. In 2022 he was recognized with the UP Vanguard Centennial Achievement Award in Government Service and the Civil Service Commission Team Pagasa Award. In 2019, he received the UPLB Centennial Award for Outstanding Agricultural Economics Alumni from the College of Economics and Management. In 2014, he received the SFU Outstanding International Alumnus Award for Government Service.
Melvin has been happily married to Marita Acompanado for 35 years and they are blessed with 4 children. Outside of public service, he served in Couples for Christ, Rotary International and Knights of Columbus. In preparation for his retirement he is now very busy on weekends, setting up his family farm.

Dr. Claro N. Mingala serves as Deputy Executive Director and Scientist IV of the Department of Agriculture- Philippine Carabao Center and concurrently as the Program Director-Coordinator of DA-Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries Biotechnology Program Office. His principal responsibilities include Research and Development Division of PCC in the evaluation, implementation and monitoring of programs and projects of the agency and oversight of research for development (R4D) activities of PCC and lead the conduct of research and development activities in livestock and related fields and serve as the focal person in establishing collaborative linkages with local and international R&D institution particularly in the fields of livestock Biotechnology. His research expertise are infectious diseases, Immunology and development of disease diagnostic. His research endeavor utilize biotechnology as a tool in addressing food security and sustainability by increasing livestock productivity and sustainability. He has been serving the DA-PCC for 27 years. He also serves as Livestock Biotechnology Center Chief for 8 years. Dr. Mingala has editorships to various local scientific journals. He published books, book chapters, scientific articles, copyright registration and intellectual property applications.

FILOMENA T. DAYAGBIL is the recipient of the Outstanding Professional Teacher of the Year 2022 awarded by the Philippine Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and the Most Inspiring Teacher of the Philippines 2022 by the Saceda Youth Lead. She is further the recipient of the following awards to name a few: Outstanding School Leader Award for her exemplary performance and contribution in the improvement of society and the world as school leader awarded by ETCOR ( Embracing the Culture of Research); Plaque of Recognition for exemplary leadership as SUC President III given by the Cebu Normal University (CNU) Board of Regents; Plaque of Leadership
Excellence for having two programs with Centers of Excellence granted by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Garbo sa CNU, PAFTE Leadership and Service Award, Outstanding Alumna in the Field of Education by the University of San Jose Recoletos (USJ- R) Alumni Association, Plaque of Recognition for Leadership and Service in the promotion of Quality Education by the St Theresa’s College –Cebu (STC-Cebu).
A teacher by profession and passion, she has served as Dean of the College of Teacher Education of Cebu Normal University (CNU), a state funded teacher training institution in the Philippines. During her term, the College was awarded Center of Excellence in Teacher Education, Center of Training for the Department of Education’s capacity building initiatives and the highest level IV teacher education program accreditation. She initiated a mentoring and coaching strategy that enabled the students to excel in the licensure examination for teachers, making the university a top performing school in the country. She became the National President of the Philippine Association for Teachers and Educators (PAFTE), the Technical Committee Member for Secondary and Elementary Education of the Commission on Higher Education (TCSE-CHED), and the National Executive Vice- President for State Universities and Colleges Teachers Educators Association (SUCTEA).
As a dedicated teacher leader, she rose from the ranks and was appointed University President from 2017-2021. During her term, she established the Research Institute in Innovative Instructional Delivery that serves as breeding ground for pedagogical innovations and research publications. She also opened the first state funded College of Medicine in Central Visayas in consortium with VSMMC (Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center) in response to the perennial problem of lack of doctors in the rural areas. Her leadership has paved the trajectory of excellence, garnering prestigious awards and certifications for the University like the ISO 9001:2015, top performing school in the LET, 100% passing percentage in the nurses’ licensure exam, the PRIME HRM Bronze Award from the Civil Service Commission and the regional champion for the Most Sustainable and Eco-Friendly School.
Amidst the pandemic, she crafted the research-based reframing teaching and learning continuity plan that enabled CNU to successfully implement the inclusive flexible learning modality in the new normal. Dr.Dayagbil’sinnovationmade CNUasthenational finalist of the GAWAD Edukampyon 2021 (flexible teaching and learning innovation). She also prioritized the mental and emotional needs of the students, faculty and stakeholders during the health crisis through the iCARE (iCNUs Assistance and Response in Emergency) with the following projects: TeleCounselling, 24-hr Communication Hotline, Higher Education Connect, Adopt-a-Student Program, Donation Drive, Share- a- Ride and Reframing Teaching and Learning, that landed the university in the no. 14 rank of the World Universities with Real Impact (WURI) in Crisis Management in 2021.
Having taught in all levels of the educational ladder, she has shared her expertise as flexible learning tutor of the Program on Excellence in School Leadership by the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Innotech and the Department of Education. Dr. Dayagbil is a writer, trainer, researcher, curriculum developer, community organizer and the teacher.
Guided by the values of teaching, she has since forged a career that mentors, hones and inspires future generation of teachers and teacher leaders.

Dr. Roel Suralta finished his BS degree in Agriculture at the Visayas State University and MS in Agronomy at the University of the Philippines-Los Banos. He earned his Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences and did his postdoctoral fellowship at Nagoya University, Japan. He is currently the Chief Science Research Specialist at the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) and a holder of the Career Scientist III rank under the CSC/DOST Scientific Career System. He is also the Center Chief of the DA-Crop Biotechnology Center at PhilRice.
He is deeply involved in root plasticity research under abiotic-stressed crop production environments on the basis of developmental, physiological, genetic, and agronomic management. His breakthroughs and pioneering initiatives in crop production research on climate change-affected areas are crucial in shaping the future of crop production in the
He is a multi-awarded scientist locally and abroad. Among them is the Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Research, Presidential Lingkod Bayan Award, Outstanding Young Scientist and recently elected member as Academician of the National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines as an Academician. As a respected root scientist, he has published more than 70 scientific papers in SCI-indexed and Scopus-indexed plant science journals and various scientific papers in other non-SCI peer-reviewed journals.

Dr. Caro B. Salces, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eutiquio Salces, was born on August 9, 1961 in Cantigdas, Batuan, Bohol. He finished his elementary education in 1974 at Batuan Central Elementary School and high school in 1979 at Bohol Agricultural College. He graduated Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education in 1983, cum laude, from the same college.
After graduation, he was employed in the Department of Agriculture as research assistant at Rainfed Agriculture Development Outreach Site in Carmen, Bohol from 1983 to 1985. In July 1985 he transferred to Ubay Stock Farm as Science Research Specialist, farm superintendent in1987 and project leader of UNDP PCRDC project. In June, 1988 he was awarded the FAO fellowship grant under UNDP PCRDC project for his Masteral Degree in Animal Science at the University of the Philippines Los Banos.
Upon his return in 1991, he was designated as research coordinator and planning officer at Central Visayas Integrated Agricultural Research Center, BES, Gabi, Ubay, Bohol. In 1993, he was designated as officer in-charge of the Philippine Carabao Center at Ubay Stock Farm, Ubay, Bohol and was appointed center director in 1994. In June 1996, he was awarded a scholarship grant by PCCARD for his studies leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Science at the University of the Philippines, Los Banos. In 2002, he founded Ubay Agri- Park Farmers Information and Technology Services Center as agri-educational and tourism center in the area. In July 2004, the project was launched by the Department of Tourism as farm tour destination in the Visayas.
As a researcher, he has conducted more than 20 studies in agriculture and as life time member of the Philippine Society of Animal Science he authored or co-authored six PSAS best paper award winning papers from 1987 to present. He was also the Gawad Saka awardee of the Department of Agriculture for applied research in 2000-2001.
As PCC Center Director he leads PCC at USF from 1993 to present. With his leadership he successfully transform the center into self-liquidating farm and enterprise operation with milk production in the area of coverage from zero to 1000 liters per day with annual sales of 36 M in four dairy box outlets. The center was ISO certified since 2013 and is awarded as best performing center in 2015 with the most outstanding center director of PCC in 2016. He also leads his people to perform their best where 5 out of 7 staff were awarded outstanding national PCC employee in various category during its annual recognition. PCC at USF was finally awarded most outstanding center in 2018.
He is happily married to former Agapita O. Jandayan, UPLB professor, with whom they are blessed with five children, Yvonne, Yrvin, Yasmin, Ysrael and Yzmael.
As newly appointed Deputy Executive Director my main function is to oversee the operation. Most particularly Regional Center operation and assist them achieve its major final output to significantly contribute to the development of carabao based enterprises. My initial focus would be on improving the reproductive efficiencies. PCC has been successful in its genetic improvement program and enterprise development during the past 25 years providing additional income to the farmers and players in the carabao commodity value chain. However, declining population and the number of farmers participating in the program remains low thus limit its growth. This could be due to low reproductive efficiencies where slaughter rates over run birth rates.
Improving calving interval as a measure of reproductive efficiencies has been demonstrated at PCC USF where calving interval of 13-14 months has been achieve compared to 18-24 months in other areas. This can be translated to 86-95 calves per 100 cows compared to 50-67 calves per 100 cows. Translating it to other farms and to the farmer’s field will be an operational challenge. This is where operational research and R4D must work hand in hand. This has been PCC’s greatest strength but can also be its greatest weakness. My role would be helping PCC lead its greatest strength to solve its greatest problem.

Adrian L. Albano is Assistant Professor 3 and the Campus Executive Director at Ifugao State University – Tinoc Campus, Tinoc, Ifugao.
He finished Doctor of Area Studies at Kyoto University, Japan; Master of Arts (MA) in Development Studies at University of Melbourne, Australia; Master of Public Affairs (MPAf) major in Cooperative Management in University of the Philippines, Los Banos (UPLB), Laguna; and Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management. Prior to joining Ifugao State University, he served as a Political Affairs Officer VI under the former representative of the Lone District of Ifugao, Rep. Teddy B. Baguilat Jr. at the House of Representatives; a researcher at both the World Agroforestry Center (formerly ICRAF)-Philippines; the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, Indonesia; and University Research Assistant at the College of Public Affairs (CPAf), UPLB. His journal publications cover sustainability issues including Kalanguya indigenous peoples in the Philippines, forest conservation and management, cooperatives and community-based forest enterprises, history and heritage. He initiated a forest conservation as well as a social forestry enterprise, the “Aywan Nature and Adventure” located in the tri-boundary of the municipalities of Kiangan, Tinoc, and Asipulo, Ifugao.

Mr. Phakdey Phin is an archaeologist from Cambodia; and he is a doctoral candidate at Sophia University, Japan. He is currently working at the National Authority for Preah Vihear, the government body whose role is to protect, preserve and safeguard the temple of Preah Vihear and Koh Ker. Residing adjacent to Koh Ker temple, he has spent nearly a decade to preserve and research about Koh Ker and Preah Vihear. As one of the committee members, Phakdey is preparing documents to request for the inclusion of Koh Ker temple as a World Heritage Site.

Natt Leelawat is an Associate Professor in Industrial Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering. Currently, he is an Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Director of the Risk and Disaster Management Program at Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University. He is also the Head of the Disaster and Risk Management Information Systems (DRMIS) Research Unit of Chulalongkorn University. He was an Assistant Professor at Tohoku University, Japan, and a System Analyst at the Bank of Thailand. He is a Regional Advisory Committee of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), an IEEE Senior Member, an MBCI of the Business Continuity Institute. He was awarded the SakIntania’s Young Lecturer Award in 2018, the Tokyo Tech Alumni Association (Thailand Chapter)’s Young Outstanding Alumni Award in 2019, and the 2022 Samsenwittayalai Outstanding Alumni Award, respectively. He received the Best Paper Awards from the 6th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security in 2015; the 2nd International Symposium on Instrumentation, Control, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics in 2021; and the 40th Conference of Industrial Engineering Network in 2022, respectively. His research interests include management information systems, risk and disaster management, business continuity management, business process management, system analysis and design, etc.

Don Vacal – CEO OF ALTPAYNET Speaker for Money 20/20 (Thailand 2024) a premier payment industry event in the world Con-current Board of Director of Lulu Money (Lulu Financial Services (Phils) Inc, a BSP Licensed e-Money Issuer, Remittance and Transfer Company with Head Office in Abu Dhabi UAE Con-current Board of Director of Infoserve Incorporated, an e-Money Issuer, Remittance and Transfer Company, Affiliate Switch Network licensed by the BSP. Con-current Board of Director of IOT ACH, a registered Operator of Payment System with focus on Internet of things in the Fintech sector. Mr. Vacal is currently the founder and CEO of ALTPAYNET, a global fintech company with offices in Hong Kong, Malta Manila, USA, Australia, Malaysia and UK; which counts Megaworld, New World Hotels, PLDT, SSS and many others as clients. C-Level Fintech Consultant to International payment service providers like PAYON AG (Acquired by ACI Worldwide), ALIPAY, PAYMUNDO later TRUEVO handling the following topics: • Business Development in the Payment Industry • Product Design and Management • AML and KYC Policies • Managed Services for Banking and Non-bank Financial Institutions Founder and former Head of Global Business Development at PAYRETO, a million-Euro company providing gateway technology, managed services, and consulting to 44 payment providers worldwide. an author and editor of published payment market reports and executive compendia, such as PAYON AG Executive Compendium on eKYC, Indian Payment Markets. Key Account Manager at PAYON AG (Germany) – University of the Philippines Manila Alumnus
Theme: “Sustainability for the Futures“